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產(chǎn)品展示 / products 您的位置:網(wǎng)站首頁(yè) > 產(chǎn)品展示 > 生物試劑進(jìn)口 > 蛋白質(zhì)Marker、DNA Ladder > biorad 1610374 伯樂(lè )彩色電泳蛋白Marker
biorad 1610374 伯樂(lè )彩色電泳蛋白Marker

biorad 1610374 伯樂(lè )彩色電泳蛋白Marker

簡(jiǎn)要描述:biorad 1610374 伯樂(lè )彩色電泳蛋白Marker
500 μl, mixture of 10 recombinant proteins (10–250 kD), 8 blue-stained bands, and 2 pink reference bands (25 and 75 kD), 50 applications


所屬分類(lèi):蛋白質(zhì)Marker、DNA Ladder




biorad 1610374 伯樂(lè )彩色電泳蛋白Marker

上海橋星貿易有限公司 www.qx147。。com

Precision Plus Protein™ Dual Color Standards, 500 μl #1610374

500 μl, mixture of 10 recombinant proteins (10–250 kD), 8 blue-stained bands, and 2 pink reference bands (25 and 75 kD), 50 applications

Use improved Precision Plus Protein Dual Color Standards for molecular weight estimation on SDS-PAGE gels and western blots.

  • Mixture of 10 recombinant proteins of precise molecular weights (10–250 kD)
  • 8 blue-stained bands and 2 pink reference bands (25 and 75 kD)

Features and Benefits

Increased overall brightness provides visual robustness throughout the entire protein electrophoresis and western blotting workflow. Improved Dual Color Standards are brighter than the competition on both gels and blots.

Increased brightness makes it easier to:

  • Identify target proteins on the gel or blot
  • Monitor gel electrophoresis
  • Confirm transfer quality

Stronger blot persistence provides enhanced:

  • Confidence after western blot processing
  • Molecular weight confirmation


biorad 1610374 伯樂(lè )彩色電泳蛋白Marker

上海橋星貿易有限公司 www.qx147。。com

Packaging Options

Number of ApplicationsTotal VolumeCatalog Number
1050 µl1610374S
50 500 µl1610374
5002.5 ml (5 x 500 µl)1610394


Related Products

More Precision Plus Protein Standards:

  • Precision Plus Protein Unstained Standards
  • Precision Plus Protein Prestained Standards
  • Precision Plus Protein™ WesternC™ Standards

Standard plugs are offered for 2-D electrophoresis applications:

  • Precision Plus Protein Unstained Standard Plugs, Strep-tagged, recombinant, pkg of 24 (1610378)

Related Categories

  • Protein Ladders and Standards
  • Precast Protein Gels
  • Protein Electrophoresis and Blotting
  • Western Blotting

Supporting Documents

  • Precision Plus Protein Dual Color Standards Instruction Manual
  • Strep-Tag Technology for Molecular Weight (MW) Determination on Blots Using Precision Plus Protein Standards Application Note
  • The Little Book of Standards Reference Guide

Online Resources

  • Protein Electrophoresis
  • Western Blotting

上海橋星貿易有限公司 www.qx147。。com




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  • 聯(lián)系電話(huà)電話(huà)021-65672052
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  • 郵箱郵箱qiaoxing2013@126.com
  • 地址公司地址上海市楊浦區寧國路229號13號樓704室
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