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技術(shù)文章 / article 您的位置:網(wǎng)站首頁 > 技術(shù)文章 > 韓國SPL-93070 70um細胞篩網(wǎng)/細胞濾網(wǎng)/細胞過濾器參數(shù)

韓國SPL-93070 70um細胞篩網(wǎng)/細胞濾網(wǎng)/細胞過濾器參數(shù)

發(fā)布時間: 2018-03-07  點擊次數(shù): 3998次

韓國SPL-93070 70um細胞篩網(wǎng)/細胞濾網(wǎng)/細胞過濾器參數(shù)

Cell Strainer

Cell Strainers of SPL Life Sciences are ideal for obtaining uniform single cell suspension from various sources. Cell strainers are made from nylon with 3 different pore size meshes, showing optimal performances in a variety of applications such as stem cell and primary cell preparation.

  • ? Ideal for stem cell and tissue-derived primary cell preparation
    ? Fits into SPL 50 ml conical tubes (Please inquire for other conical tubes)

    ? Non – pyrogenic
    ? Non – cytotoxic
    ? DNase / RNase – free
    ? Human DNA – free
Cat. No.Material
(Frame / Mesh)
Pore Size
93040PP / Nylon40.00+1 / 50
93070PP / Nylon70.00+1 / 50
93100PP / Nylon100.00+1 / 50


  • 聯(lián)系電話電話021-65672052
  • 傳真傳真86-021-62097628
  • 郵箱郵箱qiaoxing2013@126.com
  • 地址公司地址上海市楊浦區(qū)寧國路229號13號樓704室
© 2024 版權(quán)所有:上海橋星貿(mào)易有限公司   備案號:滬ICP備13006387號-3   sitemap.xml   管理登陸   技術(shù)支持:化工儀器網(wǎng)       
  • 公眾號二維碼


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